
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Day 4: I can hear the bells :)

Salvation Army Bell Ringing
December 4th, 2012

Today my mother and I were bell ringers for the Salvation Army.  We easily signed up to ring on the Salvation Army's website, www.salvationarmyusa.org  We got to ring in picturesque downtown Plymouth. We had our Santa hats on and the lights in Plymouth were all aglow. We were on the corner of Plymouth and Main street outside of Greek Island Coney. A hot spot for sure. My mom and I had a BLAST. She played Christmas tunes on her Iphone. We created choreography and bell ringing accompaniments to each song. We laughed a lot. I think that passersby really got a kick out of our enthusiasm. Again I noticed that many people get so awkward and uncomfortable as they passed. Either completely ignoring us or totally trying to avoid crossing our paths. I wonder why people feel compelled to do that. We were not asking anyone for money. We simple rang the bell and danced. We decided to try engage with all who walked by with a friendly hello and a Merry Christmas. Many people gave. It seemed that children were particularly enthused about giving. Especially after mi Madre offered them a chance to ring the bell. We lucked out with the weather again because it wasn't too cool at all. The only thing that would have completed the scene was a bit of snow. One gentleman and his family brought us the best darn hot cocoa from Kilwin's. They had rung the bell earlier in the week and were just showing their support. A random act of kindness from a stranger. Now that's what I am talking about! I can get used to this warm and fuzzy feeling, yes indeed. 

My mom said it best when she exclaimed it felt like we were in a Christmas village. So festive!

Me and Mama, Mama and Me

"Somehow, not only for Christmas but all the long year through, The joy that you give to others is the joy that comes back to you. And the more you spend in blessing the poor and lonely and sad, The more of your heart's possessing returns to you glad."


  1. I have often times thought about volunteering with Hollee and Kaelee to ring the bell. My thought was to entertain passersby with Christmas carols. This is definately something I will do with my girls. :)

  2. This is so great...I bet you two were the most enthusiastic bell ringer in the history of bell ringers!:)

  3. Ash it is so true. We were!! Aunt Tanya you guys would have a blast!!!!
