
Monday, December 3, 2012

Day 3: Bleeding Heart

The Red Cross
December 3rd, 2012

Today I gave blood. I hadn't done it in a loooong while, so I went to the Red Cross website at www.redcross.org. From there I was able to sign up for a blood drive. There were a ton going on. It wasn't hard to find one in my area that worked around my schedule. The whole process takes about an hour from registration, to exam, to filling up those bags o' blood. I hydrated before I went in and I filled my bags up in no time. Turns out my good work friend Jane has been giving blood semi annually for over 20 years. She actually joined me at the drive. It is nice to see the good in people. Just when I felt like I was alone in a sea of apathetic beings, I am surprised (I love a good surprise). So far all three acts of kindness have either A. Inspired people I know to do something similar. B. Inspired people to help and join in or C. Let me see a side of them that I hadn't seen before. THAT'S ONLY DAY THREE! I am pretty pumped about it. FA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA!!!

No Pain No Gain ;)

Signed up to donate again in February!

Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could only do a little.  ~Edmund Burke

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