
Monday, December 17, 2012

Day 14,15,16--Weekend Madness

Day #14 Friday

So today I had trouble. I was busy. I had work and errands and family visiting. I told my mom that I would go help her prepare bulbke for our early family Christmas on Sunday. Bulbke are a meat filled bread roll. It has been a traditional part of Christmas dinner my whole life. We have a large family and they all love them equally as much so we have to make a lot! I also told my sister that I would go out for a night on the town with her. I haven't been going out very often so I was ready to spend some quality time with the sis. I will be honest, I did not plan anything for today. I was hoping something would present itself. It did not. I dropped a few bucks into the salvation army buckets while I was running errands. However, I have done this my whole life. I watched my parents do it since I can remember. I don't feel that counts as going outside myself. My mom said that I could use making the bulbke as my act of kindness. I thought that was a cop-out because I have made them with her several years past and I would do that regardless. I honestly was busy and didn't have time to fit anything special in. It was nice spending time with my family. This is the season for sharing time with those I love. I think that maybe I looked at today with too much criticism. Maybe I didn't do anything but I shared the love. I kept a tradition with my mom. We laughed and rolled and stuffed. Christmas tunes playing in the background. Though I was tired and could have easily worked on Christmas presents (my immediate family and I are doing homemade this year) I headed out. It was Friday night and my sister  and I had a rip roaring good time. We too shared many laughs. These are the moments of importance. Taking time as such is an easy way to incorporate the spirit year round. So maybe I didn't have as much trouble as I thought.

Bulbke Yummmmm

Me and Mol

Having somewhere to go is what we call HOME. Having someone to love, who loves us in return, is what we call FAMILY. Having both: BLESSING.

Day 15: Saturday

Today was another busy day. I had intentions of getting my day started no later than 10:00 am. I had Christmas Shopping to do and I was going to devote my time to starting my homemade gifts. My family and I are going up North for Christmas. We decided to have Christmas simplified. Homemade gifts and all. Like Little House on the Prairie. Well my day did not get started until four in the afternoon. That is the price I pay for a fun filled night with my sister. I did manage to come up with a random act of kindness though. Simple but sweet. I filled plastic bags with two dollars in quarters and taped them to a couple gumball/toy machines around town. A little surprise for some lucky child. I have been known to frequent a gumball machine so who knows maybe a lucky adult. It was fun and simple. I am telling you there is a bit of an adrenaline rush doing all these sneaky deeds.

“Even in the familiar there can be surprise and wonder.”
― Tierney Gearon

Day 15: Sunday

My family usually celebrate Christmas Eve in a big way. This year we had a Christmas celebration earlier than usual. It was as warm and fun-filled as it has always been. I had been planning to try and work in a soup kitchen but I am having trouble finding one that is still accepting volunteers. So I decided that if I couldn't serve food I would collect it. I sent out and email to my entire extended family asking them to please bring non-perishables to our Christmas party. Combining the cans I bought and the ones people brought I had quite a few cans. I tried to drop the cans off after our party at the Gleaners Community Food Bank Taylor distribution center but it was closed. The family time was to much fun to pull away before the bank closed. They will be dropped off very soon though.

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